Anti-Aging Skincare tips

We all dream of a flawless skin. There are plenty of skin problems that we face in our whole life. Some of us are so lucky in this part that they are naturally flawless. But some people really goes through a lot to maintain a good skin. Whatever the skin type you have, you may start to see some symptoms of aging in any time of your life.
Many women start to see aging symptoms in their mid-older age and some of the women have them on a premature age. Premature aging symptoms are scary and it can be worse in real old age. So, symptoms of aging in your skin should be taken as a concerned matter. Following some tips and tricks may prevent aging symptoms. This article will disclose some preventive measure for anti-aging which may come into a better use in your life.
But at first we will get to know about the symptoms which are determined as aging signs. The visible signs of aging are:
- Rough, dry and itchy.
- Wrinkles and fine lines.
- Slack: The loss of the elastic tissue (elastin and collagen) in the skin with age causes your skin to become slack and hang loosely.
- Transparent: This is caused by thinning of the epidermis (surface layer of the skin) and dermis (deeper layer of the skin).
- Fragile: Increased skin fragility is caused by flattening of the area where the epidermis and dermis (layer of skin under the epidermis) come together.
- More easily bruised.
- More prone to developing skin lesions.
But, what are the reasons behind the signs of aging? Have we ever considered about knowing the facts? Here are some logical and common facts which are responsible to give you aging signs in your skin:
- Sunburn
- Obesity
- Sleeping pattern and position
- Eating habit
- Consumption of alcohol
- Smoking
- Daily facial movements
- Stress and anxiety
- Environment

If you want to avoid the signs of aging in your premature age and you want them less in matured age too, then you should go onto the deeper thoughts. First of all, you should get to know about the reasons and you do have to try about improving them to have a better skin owner.
Your nightstand or medicine cabinet may contain the key to youthful-looking skin. This is due to the fact that using the right skin-care products can make a significant difference in your complexion and help you avoid signs of aging. Here are five tips and steps to follow which can give you a younger look.
1. Using a Gentle Cleanser: Cleanser is a first and foremost thing to be included into your skincare routine. Before adopting a cleanser, try to have a patch test and get ensured that is fit for your skin or not. Use a salicylic based cleanser if you have an acne prone skin. And try to have an oil-based cleanser if you have a dry and flakey skin. Gentle cleanser is a must. Because you can’t use any harsh cleanser into your skin. Harsh and hard facewash can deteriorate your skin health.
Gentle cleanser makes your skin smooth and soft. Also, cleansing is important part of skincare in your everyday life. To remove makeup products, wash out the pollutants and for self-care, cleansing is essential and so choosing a perfect cleanser.
2. Using a Sunscreen: Regularly applying sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher to your skin is an excellent way to keep it healthy and prevent age spots and discoloration. Sun protection is one of the most effective ways to keep your skin looking young. The sun is responsible for so many of your skin’s visible signs of aging.
UV rays from the sun can cause aging by breaking down collagen and causing elastin abnormalities, resulting in thinner skin and wrinkles that cause uneven pigmented patches. According to a recent study, a daily application of a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen can reduce age spots, improve skin texture, and flatten wrinkles by 20% in just three months.
3. Improving Daily Diet: There is a famous saying like ‘We are what we eat’. This saying is so much impactful in your daily life that you can never know. Much of what happens on the outside of our body is caused by what we put inside it. It is critical to eat foods that nourish the skin over time. Anything that can dehydrate you, such as alcohol, should be avoided.
Furthermore, foods high in sugar and white carbohydrates can actually accelerate aging by breaking down glucose. Instead, include more protein in your diet, such as fish, lean meats, beans, and legumes, to help build strong collagen.
4. Cutting of Bad Habits: Smoking is injurious to health and we all know it. Smoking and consumption of alcohol are two bad habits that cause a lot of health issues and aging is one of them. Not smoking, limiting alcohol consumption (alcohol is drying and dehydrating to the skin), eating healthy foods and hydrating with water are important keys to great skin. So, stop smoking if you do. Smoking hastens the aging process of the skin. It results in wrinkles and a dull, sallow complexion.
5. Patting Vitamin C Serum: Vitamin C is a great friend to give a break in your skin aging process. But don’t rub it on your face. Take a specific amount of vitamin c serum and pat it on face. Patting vitamin C serum gives you a fresh look and removes pigmentation. Vitamin C blemishes the pores and prevents skin from sun exposure.
Using a perfect brand level Vitamin C serum can change the play of your skincare and cures wrinkles and fine line issues too.
Even those who already show signs of premature skin aging can benefit from lifestyle change. By shielding your skin from the sun, you allow it to repair some of the damage. When smokers quit, they often notice that their skin looks better.
If the signs of aging skin bother you, you should consult a dermatologist. Many people now have younger-looking skin thanks to new treatments and less-invasive procedures for smoothing wrinkles, tightening skin, and improving complexion.